
Arrive good to go.


Exactly what does one bring to paintball with Delta Force? Do you need the kitchen sink? Maybe you rock up in your pyjamas and slippers? Let’s have a quick look at the must haves, must have nots and things that might make your day better than just great.

Looking Your Best

If you wanted to front up to our paintball centre looking you are ready for a corporate dinner or princess ball, then be our guess. You wouldn’t be the first. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see folk playing in all manner of dress or costume. Especially for stag or hen party events with us, but sometimes, just to add that extra level of laughter and fun factor. For the majority of players though, they will either play in the clothes they arrive in, or will wear the full combat suit we provide free with your entry fee over their clothes. Therefore, comfortable, loose fitting clothes suitable for the outdoors is most commonly worn. Definitely don’t bring along anything you don’t want to get dirty, just in case. Having a fresh change of clothes for the drive home is a good idea quite often also.

Foot Protection

As part of our safety policy, you must wear fully enclosed footwear to play with us. There’s often plenty of rocks, roots and other natural obstacles to negotiate and being able to move freely is a must out there. So even if you do front up dressed like a movie star, the high heels stay at home please. We recommend comfortable boots with good ankle support and grip, or at the very least, some old running shoes.

Maintaining Energy Levels

Without food and drink your energy levels will subside quickly even you aren’t the most energetic or athletic of people. We have an on-site shop which can supply a variety of drinks (from water to energy drinks) and a few snacks. You will need to think about a decent lunch though. Most of our centres will have pizza ready for your lunch break if you order it when you arrive (ask when you call to book), or you can simply pack a lunch from home.

Hand Protection

Hidden behind a tank or barricade, your gun and hands are often the target for the enemy as you take aim. A tensioned hand around a gun can make you utter a few obscenities under your breath if it gets hit by a paintball, so gloves aren’t a bad idea at all. Our shop can sell you a paintball specific, armoured pair of gloves to keep at a small cost if you don’t have any at home to bring along.

Not Getting Caught Short

For those who haven’t taken advantage of our great discount paintball packages at time of booking, you will have the opportunity again when you arrive to purchase ammo at a great rate, or in smaller quantities during the day if you wish. Knowing how many paintballs you will use is a difficult question. Shy players obviously don’t use as many as more confident players. And having plenty of paintballs at your disposal means less hiding and more action. During a full session of paintball though, most players will use at least 500 paintballs and those with more to shoot can go through anything up to 2000 or so. If you’ve got em, you’ll shoot em! It’s always sad to see players have to pack up and head home early because they misjudged their ammunition needs and didn’t bring along the means to get more.


Due to firearm laws, all Delta Force Paintball centres are drug and alcohol free zones. No illicit drugs or any alcohol whatsoever may be brought to our centres at any time. Persons found under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed to enter by law. No paintball guns, ammo or cash are stored on site.