
Quick Load!


You are crouched behind a tank at the Delta Force Paintball Strathmore centre near Calgary, and you can hear the opposing team getting closer. You sneak a look and squeeze the trigger a few times. Only one lonely paintball shoots out and slams against the barricade hiding the enemy player. Out of ammo! Think fast. If they realise you just ran short, they will storm your position and you’ll be out. Thankfully though, you are packing plenty of spare paintball bullets in the paintball ammo pack that we provided free with your entry.

400 Balls, Quick Access

Your battle pack holds four ammo pods, each holding 100 paintballs. The pods are held in convenient, side access pockets in a tactical, combat style belt. A quick grab at the velcro pocket strap and you are set to dump 100 balls into the gun hopper and start cutting down the enemy players within seconds.

Impact Protection

As a secondary function, your paintball ammo pack is strapped around your midriff and provides an extra barrier of protection against paintball hits. With a full head mask on, a padded neck collar, a paintball bullet-proof vest and then this combat waist belt in place you have plenty of reasons to be confident any hit you might take isn’t going to hurt at all.

The Delta Force Paintball ammo packs are another way we stand out from the other paintball operators and deliver a level of professionalism well beyond the capabilities of others.