
Full Length Paintball Protection.

Bodysuit Illustration

We offer our full length combat suit, free for the day, to each and every player who comes to play with us. This suit is more than just a pair of overalls fashioned from camouflaged fabric. It forms part of our integrated safety equipment kit and performs a vital function to all who choose to wear it. You will have to wear a paintball mask and enclosed, suitable footwear, but we won’t force you to wear the suit if you don’t want to. You can wear your own comfy clothes or even rock up in a costume if you so choose. Below is a few things to consider about wearing our paintball suit.

Head to ankles

The full length of the suit provides cover to the player’s body from the top of the neck right to their boots. This not only helps in deflecting and diminishing the impact from paintballs, but also aids in keeping you clean. The suit also is a cover to aid in the defence of sticks, rocks and other environmental elements commonly found on paintball battlefields.

Saving your neck

Our combat suits are not an off the shelf item available to all paintball game operators. We have custom designed these suits and an important feature we have included is extra neck padding. This high collar design is a robust, thick padding that nicely circumnavigates your neck and throat region. The padded neck collar will protrude high enough to take over protection duties where the full head paintball mask stops. Between the two, they integrate to stop any paintball hits from finding a target above your shoulders.

Blending in

Some folk love to stand out in the game zones, and we have various ways they can do that if they wish. However, these combat suits are designed to do the exact opposite and help you blend in. The camo pattern helps to break up your outline and confuse the enemy’s eye and focus.

Professionally cleaned

We are well aware that many paintball game operators will issue their paintball kit to many players before washing it properly. We don’t agree with that method of operation. In fact we don’t even clean them ourselves. Our suits are sent out after every day’s use to a professional cleaning company to ensure we maintain a level of hygiene of the highest standards. There’s no pulling on our suits and smelling someone’s sweat from a big day’s paintballing. You will receive your combat suit at the beginning of the day, freshly laundered and folded. That’s the professional thing to do, so we do that.

Easy fit, easy access

We have employed the use of easy to close press studs, that hold well in the heat of battle, yet allow easy release when you need to remove the suit again. Strategically placed around the neck collar they are provide the mechanism needed to properly gain complete protection in that area of your body. There’s more around the wrists and also the ankle regions to help expand those parts of the suit. Need easy access to your clothes beneath the suit? That’s covered as well with the inclusion of side access slots.

And there you have it. Much more than meets the eye and some clever design features creating great paintball protection and comfort as well. Check out our paintball body armour, a paintball version of the bullet-proof vest, which enhances your safety even further.

We strongly recommend the use of our full length paintball combat suit, as it will significantly reduce the chance of any scratches, burns, bites, cuts, irritations, bruises or other direct contact injuries. There are naturally occurring hazards throughout our centres and wearing the full length combat suits will reduce the chance of injury.