
A special birthday.

A horde of screaming teenagers and loads of mess to clean up after a mammoth effort to organise and pay for it all. Don’t you just love birthday parties? And when it’s all said and done, little Johnny or Jill just had a birthday party no more exciting or unique than most of their friends have every year. Consider then, a birthday at Delta Force Paintball.

Around the globe, at various Delta Force Paintball centres each week, excited children and adults enjoy their birthday parties with us. You still get to supply the kids, cake and food (although we can usually order in pizza for everyone if you wish), but we will provide the activities. Our marshals will make sure the lucky birthday boy or girl is the centre of attention throughout the day and is made to feel very special indeed. We’ll even serenade them with our rousing rendition of happy birthday. We make sure that this birthday is one they do not forget for a very long time, if ever.

And it doesn’t have to be children either. We will happily entertain and royally treat birthday adults just as well. It’s amazing how electric the atmosphere across all groups playing on the day is obvious because of the upbeat experience a birthday party adds to a day of paintball with Delta Force.

If your birthday child is young and trusting them to the care of others out on the battlefields is a concern to you then you need not worry. You can be out there with them enjoying the fun and action if you wish. Or, even better for some, you can relax back in our base camp while or marshals take special care of them. Covered from head to toe in our custom designed safety wear and under the wing of our professionally trained marshals, they are 100% safe as our long term safety record testifies. There are no better safety policies,  procedures and better trained paintball staff than those at Delta Force Paintball. There’s many a reason we’ve had around 6 million players through our centres to date.

A word warning though. You might have to listen to story after story about the days events, not only in the car ride home again, but for many days and weeks afterwards. You may even have to try to resist not coming back very soon too. Not that we are going to talk you out of that. Was the birthday boy the hero during the D-Day landings? Maybe the birthday girl slipped under the enemy defences and rescued the prisoner? They may have been the one the team were trying to save on the Prison Break buses.

So, if bundling the gang up into a car or 5 and driving them out to a Delta Force Paintball centre, enjoying an awesome day of memory inducing excitement, and then driving away leaving us to clean up sounds like a plan, give us a call now. Our friendly event coordinators will help you organise your day right there and then, or send you more information to help make organising a special day that will never be forgotten, painless too.



  • Delta Force Paintballing

    *Terms & Conditions Apply.
    • 4-5 action-packed games
    • A large selection of movie-set quality paintball game zones
    • Full head protection incorporating an anti-mist goggle system
    • Full body protection – body armour – free for all players
    • Full neck protection – combat suit with high padded collar
    • Custom designed special-forces combat suit
    • Latest USA-spec rapid-fire semi-automatic machine guns
    • Hip-mounted 400-shot capacity ammo magazine (to safely carry your paintballs)
    • Tuition and supervision by friendly Delta Force marshalling staff
    • Unlimited Air refills
    • Comprehensive $2 million public liability insurance
    • Safe, friendly and professional service
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    YOUNG GUNZ 300

    **All members of the group must take the package to get the pre game day discount.
    • 300 paintballs
    • Only available when booking in advance.
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    YOUNG GUNZ 300

    • 300 paintballs
    • Only available when booking in advance.
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    YOUNG GUNZ 500

    • 500 paintballs
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    Young Gunz 700

    • 700 paintballs
    • Gloves
  • Delta Force Paintballing
    Young Gunz 900

    • 900 paintballs
    • Gloves
    • Groin Guard